Short Story

Six indigenous reserves to make up this project aimed at the conservation of 32.629 hectares of humid tropical forest.

PALAMEKU reforestation


Hectares of forest protected


People Benefit


CO2- Offset (ton)

Status: Finished 100%

Web Designer 100%

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This project seeks to carry out initiatives aimed by the decrease in deforestation and the improvement of the living conditions of their communities, through lines of action that guarantee the conservation of biodiversity, food sovereignty.
Your name ‘PALAMEKU KUWEI’ was assigned by the communities that make up the project, of which the meaning has to do with the creator God of the tools to be able to work the tree of life.
PALAMEKU, was the one who made the axe, which is the symbol of all the tools. And KUWEI means: God the creator of the earth, the water and the entire worldview of the Sikuani Piapoco.


System silvopastoril / Strengthening of productive Projects

Objective: Develop productive reconversion that contribute to the production, the quality of the soil and to the mitigation of the environmental impacts of livestock farming.

Indicator: Total number of people trained.

People: 243

Transport for health / Strengthening Health

Objective: Equip a van with the tools to provide the aid needed in the field.

Indicator: Number of items, equipment, or supplies purchased.

Equipment: 1

Strengthening of productive capacities / Strengthening of productive Projects

Objective: Strengthen the supply chain for swine.

Indicator: Number of productive chains bugged.

Chains: 45,200


  • Indigenous reservation Rivers Muco and Guarrojo (People Sikuani and Piapoco)
  • Indigenous reservation Rios Volume and Weberi (People Sikuani)
  • Indigenous Reserve Punta Bandera (People Sikuani)
  • Indigenous reservation San Luis Volume (People Sikuani)
  • Indigenous Reserve The Emerald (People Sikuani)
  • Indigenous Reservation Valdivia (People Sikuani)



$360.00 or more
But must explain to you how all this mistaken idea of denouncing plasue and praising pain was born.
June, 2023
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